Excerpts of Kita-san’s evolution

Showing the world how Kitamura has evolved

The smashing Kita-san

Kitamura aims to create a lasting, prosperous business so that our customers can continue to utilize our products and services. One of the keys to achieving this business prosperity is “evolution.”

Here, we have posted “excerpts of Kita-san’s evolution,” which show various aspects of Kitamura’s evolution. Please feel free to take a look at how we have evolved over the years.

*As clicking the link will bring you to our Japanese website, please translate it into your native language using the translation tool in the upper right portion of your screen.

>>Japanese website

Kita-san’s evolution

In this category, we introduce our evolutionary activities that coincided with investments in plant and equipment, and R&D. These posts focus on the evolution of our factory facilities and production equipment, as well as the evolution of our technical and developmental capabilities.

>>Japanese website

Our KAIZEN (improvements)

In this category, we introduce improvement activities initiated primarily at our manufacturing sites. The majority of these posts are the results of our 5S activities, risk prediction and avoidance activities, and trend management activities with control charts.

>>Japanese website

5S gallery

In this category, we introduce the 5S improvement examples that were not fully introduced in the 5S activity category in “Our KAIZEN,” by posting before/after improvement photographs.

>>Japanese website